hair misconceptions

Is There a Correlation Between "No Shampoo" and Hair Growth?

no shampoo and hair growth

The no shampoo—also known more commonly as the "no 'poo" method—has become a popular routine in which more and more people opt of using shampoo to clean their hair. Many people follow this process for a variety of reasons, but is no shampoo method optimal for hair growth? We’ve gathered the facts below for you. 

The No Shampoo Process

The no shampoo process is as easy as its name concurs; the process details using no shampoo in terms of cleaning your hair. Instead, you would use other methods and options to cleanse your hair. The process has nothing to do with a lack of hygiene, but rather a focus on not overindulging in a hygiene practice that may not be necessary as often as we engage in it.

The main reason people are attracted to the no shampoo process is because they want to avoid stripping their hair of its natural oils and prevent damaging their hair with the common, unnatural chemicals found within traditional shampoo. Many of those who do the no shampoo process also enjoy rejecting the commercial and marketing pressures that come from the hair care industry nowadays. There is a belief within the no shampoo community that by avoiding these harsh products, they are improving their general wellbeing and health too.

It is important to recognize that those who use the no shampoo method aren’t giving up showers or baths, but rather simply avoiding use of traditional shampoo. While some people just use water or simply apply conditioner on their ends, others use natural products to cleanse their hair; rather than using traditional products, those who practice the no-shampoo method tend to opt for more natural chemicals and products such as baking soda, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, and tea tree oil, to name a few. 

Is No Shampoo Suitable for Those With Hair Loss or Thinning?

Should you participate in the no shampoo process if you have significant hair loss or thinning? The short answer is probably not. While we recommend doing what feels best for your own needs, it is also important to consider long and short term effects. For those with thinning hair, you may notice that it is easier for oil to transfer throughout your head due to the strand structure and lack of volume. Simply rinsing your thinning hair when it already feels greasy will not remove the bacteria or clean the excess oil, you will need some type of chemical (natural or not) in order to remove build-up. If you have hair loss, and would still really like to try the no shampoo method, we recommend replacing no shampoo for the use of a clarifying natural product on your scalp, such as apple cider vinegar. 

What to Expect from No Shampoo 

Those who opt to skip shampoo have seen the following results in their hair:

  • More balanced and healthy scalp
  • Less exposure to harsh chemicals
  • More moisture in hair
  • Less need for styling products 

The no poo method has been most successful for those with textured or coarser hair. This is due to the fact that their hair has a harder time retaining moisture, so allowing their natural scalp oils to become balanced and using less harmful chemicals on their hair helps to create smoother hair. 

Over time, people who have tried the no shampoo method have noticed their hair becoming more balanced because of your scalp adjusting to create the right amount of oil for your head. Because you are opting out of stripping your hair of its natural oils from not shampooing, your scalp will also produce less oil over time, potentially deferring the appearance of greasy hair.

Are No Shampoo and Hair Growth Connected?

While this increase of natural hair oils may affect hair appearance for a period of time, it may also have good benefits in correlation with hair growth. Having your scalp in optimal health is a great foundation for hair growth, but this is tricky because the difference between healthy natural hair oils and build-up can be fine. 

Should You Try No Shampoo?

Finding your perfect hair care routine is mostly a method of trial and error. For some, the no-poo method of hair washing will only improve their hair and scalp health, and for others, no shampoo may not work as well. All in all, if you are curious to see if no shampoo is beneficial for you, it is worth a try for a period of time. Trying different alternatives will be your best option to test the results. We would like to note that if you are attempting the no shampoo process but have excessive hair loss or thinning, or skin and scalp issues, you should talk with your healthcare provider before attempting it.

If you are still looking for that magic bullet to get your hair to where you want it to be, take a look at our Hair Revival Serum. In addition to vitamins and other hair health essentials, our breakthrough ingredient, ProCelinyl™, was specifically discovered to target and promote follicle health, leading to thicker, fuller-looking hair. Check it out today!

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Reviewed by: Enzo Benfanti, MEng

Enzo is a chemical engineer and data enthusiast with a background in industrial chemicals. His previous experience is in developing catalysts and designing industrial chemical processes to produce the precursors to detergents, polyester fibers, and other specialty materials. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University at Buffalo [Go Bills!] and his master's degree from Columbia University, both in chemical engineering.

Written by: Revela Editorial Team

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