hair tips

Regrowing Hair for Trichotillomania

Regrowing Hair for Trichotillomania

The simplest way to regrow hair if you suffer from trichotillomania is by tackling the problem at its roots: from cognitive therapy or habit reversal training, to topical treatments, there are several effective methods to regrow hair for trichotillomania. In this article, we will explore these methods in detail. Many of these methods are healthy practices that can encourage hair growth in general, regardless of whether you suffer from trichotillomania or not.

What is trichotillomania?

Trichotillomania is an impulse control disorder characterized by the desire to pull one’s own hair. People with trichotillomania often pull hair from their scalp, eyelashes, and eyebrows. What separates trichotillomania from other hair-pulling habits is that the desire to pull hair in those with trichotillomania, is often uncontrollable. In those with trichotillomania, the desire to pull hair is so extreme that it usually results in distress and negative impacts in other areas of life, such as work and social relationships. Trichotillomania is often caused by stress, and people with trichotillomania may pull their hair as a way to soothe their anxiety. Trichotillomania is actually fairly common, and affects some of several celebrities as well.

Regrowing hair for trichotillomania

There are many ways that you can regrow hair for trichotillomania, and many of these methods are healthy habits that can work to regrow normal hair as well; in this section, we’ll start with methods specifically for regrowing hair for trichotillomania. Keep in mind that hair follicles can regrow even if you’ve pulled them out, as long as the follicles themselves aren’t completely damaged!

Treating trichotillomania

One way you can regrow hair for trichotillomania is by tackling the problem at its roots. Here are some forms of therapy and mental health treatments you can take to treat trichotillomania itself. 

  • Cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy can help you learn more about yourself and the role that hair-pulling has in your mental health. Recognizing this can help you to overcome your trichotillomania and begin your journey to stop hair-pulling.

  • Habit reversal training. This type of therapy is helpful for those who have harmful physical habits, such as hair-pulling. Habit reversal training will help you learn to channel your anxieties into less harmful habits, such as pressing into a stress ball when you have the urge to pull your hair. 

Regrow hair for trichotillomania

While stopping your hair-pulling habit altogether is the most effective way to regrow hair for trichotillomania, that’s much easier said than done. It’s very difficult to simply stop being affected by a compulsive disorder like trichotillomania. While you treat yourself, here are some things you can do in the meantime as you heal from trichotillomania:

  • Massaging the scalp. The scalp becomes stimulated by massaging. Not only can this help regrow hair for trichotillomania, but it can also give your hands something to do rather than pull your hair. Combine this with topical treatments to improve scalp and hair health!
  • Self-care to reduce stress. Not only can stress cause increased hair-pulling for those with trichotillomania, but it also causes direct hair loss for everyone. This phenomenon is so well-documented that it has its own name, telogen effluvium. Consider exercise, meditation, and taking time off for yourself if you can to help deal with stress.
  • Reducing sun exposure. Hair is easily damaged and broken by too much exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. If you are trying to prevent hair loss, consider wearing a hat or carrying a parasol on especially sunny days to protect your hair.
  • Avoiding heat and other chemical treatments. The NIH linked heat and chemical treatments such as dying and perming to increased hair loss. Consider avoiding these procedures to help prevent hair loss.
  • A balanced diet. Ultimately, having a balanced diet is key for hair growth, regardless of whether you are looking to regrow hair for trichotillomania or if you have perfectly healthy hair. Here are some natural ingredients and supplements that can help regrow hair for trichotillomania.


Now that you know about how you can regrow hair for trichotillomania, we hope you have all the information you need to take your health into your own hands. We know that trichotillomania can be hard to heal from, and Revela is here to help. If you’d like to use an effective hair serum solution to treat hair loss from trichotillomania, consider our Hair Revival Serum. The Serum uses the world’s first AI-generated, clinically-tested solution for hair loss: ProCelinyl. Learn more here!

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Reviewed by: Avinash Boppana, BS

Avinash is a computer scientist. He completed his BS from Princeton University, concentrating in Statistics & Machine Learning. He has deep experience in computational research, working for reputable institutions, including Harvard Medical School, the Flatiron Institute, and the NIH.

Written by: Revela Editorial Team

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